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Our simple turnkey Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) type Nitrogen Generator provides a cost-effective means for on-site N2 gas generation. It is based on using the latest PSA technology and utilizes Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS) to separate nitrogen from the other gases contained in air. The Nitrogen Generator uses two beds of CMS to separate compressed air into a high-pressure nitrogen product stream and low-pressure oxygen enriched waste stream. Typical feed air pressure is 110 psig/7.6 barg. Typical nitrogen product purity for our systems is 99%. Product flow rate for the same system will be higher with better nitrogen recovery if a higher oxygen content can be accepted in the nitrogen product. Systems are available with a product purity up to 99.999% nitrogen (10 ppmv oxygen).

Generators are supplied as complete systems, ready for hookup to a compressed air supply, including air filters and controls for automatic operation. Start up is at the flip of a switch and maintenance is limited to changing filters every three to twelve months. Each Nitrogen Generator comes pre-tested and fine tuned to meet the customer specified nitrogen flow rate and purity.

Our nitrogen generators have proven to be very popular and reliable for many applications. Having your own nitrogen generator is a hassle free, safer alternative to high-pressure nitrogen bottles or liquid nitrogen, and you will always have nitrogen available at a reduced cost.


View PSA Performance Charts Here